A huge quantity of illegal liquor seized and one Sambhu Charan Mondal aged about S/O-Ekadashi of Uttar Sandalpur, P.S. Patashpur Purba Medinipur was arrested by Patashpur Poilce on 23/24.08.11 night on basis of secret source information. Inside the village the accused don't had no idea that police can reached to his place after walking about two kilometers in a muddy way. On 23/24.08.11 night a team lead by O/C Patashpur went to the inaccessible place and arrested the accused and seized the culprit.
Sambhu Charan Mondal was selling ID liquor and other staffs from his house in contravention of law and also stock a huge quantity of illegal liquor for purpose of selling with intend to loss of govt. revenue for last three and four days taking the advantage of muddy road which is now not zeep-able properly.But he had no idea that police may reach to his place.So when he was asked for a bottle of country spirit he was prepare to sell the same to the witness but he astonished when he saw police behind the witness.
About 75 bottles of illegal spirit and 20 liters of I/D liquor was seized and police in investigating for the others behind this crime
The accused forwarded before court of Ld ACJM Contai and he took custody of said Sambhu Ch Mondal
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